WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in today’s world. The 2021 survey found that about 1.4 billion websites are being used worldwide. Of these, 455 million people use WordPress-inspired websites.
Why do people use WordPress today is the main reason is that:
- WordPress install easy and graphical user interface
- Its free download
- Supported any operating system
- Finally, make the website easily without any coding knowledge
WordPress status percents of 2021 memorable
- 60% of US most fasted company uses WordPress
- Daily overall 500 websites make by a free version of wordpress.org
- WordPress’s latest version 6.5 has been downloaded over 7.1 million times.
- WordPress over 1.0 million new domains every six months register.
How to install WordPress Manually in C-panel
One of the things you need to know before installing WordPress
- Need a domain registration
- Nees a hosting for parking a website
- Need domain access control panel
- Need a c-panel access or login information
Let’s get start it manually install WordPress in the c-panel step step
As soon as possible download WordPress’s latest version or the required version from wordpress.org. Save the file in your local drive.
After login into the c-panel user name password
Upload the .ZIP file in the c-panel desired location it depends on which directory folder or subdomain installs WordPress.
Default directory store all uploaded file /home/exmple.com/public_html/yoursitehere” link
Then finally. the ZIP file extracted here, after extracting delete .zip file from c-panel.
Create a Database and a Database user
First, create a database write a name as you like
Second, create a user for the database which user control the database
- Write user name
- Type password
- Confirm password
- Press the button “Create User”
Finally, add user to the database
- Select user name
- Select Database
- Finally, add the user with database
Are now completed manually WordPress setup in c-panel
Good luck!
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