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How to Install WordPress in C-panel Manually

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in today’s world. The 2021 survey found that about 1.4 billion websites are being used worldwide. Of these, 455 million people use WordPress-inspired websites.   Why do people use WordPress today is the main reason is that:   WordPress install easy and graphical user interface Its free download Supported any operating system Finally, make the website easily without any coding knowledge   WordPress status percents of  2021 memorable   60% of US  most


How to Install WordPress using Softaculous or C-panel

Tropic Covered Login to your c-[anel Softaculous Apps Installer Select WordPress Icon for setup Fill in all information for the WordPress website Installation Complete   This tutorial will guide you completely on how to install the procedure WordPress with just a few clicks using Softaculous. Note: It is important to remember that a domain and hosting are required to perform this task perfectly.   Login into your c-panel via a web browser URL will be or (by port it depen